Sundays at 9:00am & 10:45am

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Pleading For God's Program

March 24, 2010 Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: The Lord's Prayer

Topic: Prayer Passage: Matthew 6:10a

As Americans we should be greatful that God, in His sweet providence, allowed us to be born and to live in a country like the United States of America. As citizens of this counrty, we enjoy many freedoms that people of other nations do not. But with all of this freedom, we tend to forget that this isn't really our home. We are really citizens of heaven and as such, we should eagerly await the return of Jesus Christ our King. Moreover, if we address God as Father, then we need to conduct ourselves in accordance with that and to live with a healthy fear of Him for the duration of our stay on this earth (1 Peter 2:11).
Therefore, since we are actually living in a 'foreign land', we are to resist it's temptations. And one of the best ways to maintain a heavenly mindset is through PRAYER. Prayer is essentially the act of 'reporting in daily' to the King of heaven. Through prayer, we enter with our hearts and minds into our heavenly home while we live in 'enemy territory.'
In this morning's sermon, Pastor Ramey continues the series "Lord, Teach Us To Pray" by focusing on the phrase "Your kingdom come" in verse 10 of Matthew Chapter 6.
As loyal citizens of heaven and children of the King of kings, the natural cry of our hearts should be for our Father to establish His kingdom here on earth by sending His Son Jesus Christ because we long for the day when His power and glory will be fully manifested as the sovereign ruler of the universe.

More in The Lord's Prayer

March 10, 2010

Revering God's Person

February 24, 2010

Accessing God's Presence

February 17, 2010

How Not To Pray