Sundays at 9:00am & 10:45am

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Pure Passion

January 15, 2014 Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: Song of Solomon

Topic: Marriage Passage: Song of Solomon 1:2–4

Song of Solomon Series

Song of Songs:
Pure Passion

One of the most wonderful and gracious gifts is the love between a man and a woman, along with all of the things that go along with that. This relationship began with Adam and Eve, who God commanded to "Be fruitful and multiply." They were to do this in the most enjoyable and pleasurable way. And apart from our relationship with Jesus Christ, it should be the most enjoyable relationship we can experience (1 Peter 3:7).

God decreed that marriage should be held in honor by all (Hebrews 13:4). In fact, those who violate it's precepts will be judged, for it is a sin to open up the special gift of sex before marriage, or outside of the bonds of marriage. Unfortunately today, the institution of marriage is routinely and carelessly being violated to the degree that society's perspectives on marriage is all to often far from the design that God intended when He bestowed of the gift of marriage upon us. God knew that this would be the tendency of fallen man, which is undoubtedly why He devoted an entire book of the Bible to the issue of love between a man and a woman as it was meant within the context of marriage.

The eight chapters of the Song of Solomon provides a powerful list of descriptives that celebrate the pure love, beauty and passion that was meant to be enjoyed within the context of marriage. Song of Solomon helps us to navigate and celebrate the most important relationship we will ever experience in this life apart from our relationship with God.

Join us on Wednesday evenings as we explore the act of love as God intended. May we enjoy this gift in ways that make us wiser and that brings glory and honor to God the Father.


More in Song of Solomon

March 26, 2014

Love For A Lifetime

March 19, 2014

Maturing in Marriage

February 26, 2014

Love Worth Fighting For